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KTC Achievements for the past one year

  1. We have sponsored different community projects   such as The Youth Day Talent Show organized by one of the Christian Groups in our community. 

  2. We have trained so many students from different tribes across South Africa for free. (Computer Basics, Waitron, Cashiers, etc.)

  3. We have helped many of our students and other job seekers to gain employment.


KTC  trained Twilight Children (a rehabilitation home in Hillbrow) in English Language and Computer Basics. 

Study and work for free. Download our form from this site and apply online. Classes starts: 1st June 2017.

MICT SETA provider number ACC/2016/07/0059 , PBO Number: 530052953

Graduated 6 free skills students on 21 March 2017

Monday - Friday

8am - 20pm


Saturday Classes

9am - 17pm






Sunday Classes

13pm - 16pm



What sets KTC apart from other colleges?


At Kcobodo Training Center, our primary focus is educating the less privileged, and making sure that they succeed. In order to achieve this, we offer the following benefits:


  • We maintain regular contact with our students.

  • We have tutors who are available to provide personal academic support via telephone, whatsapp e-mail, Skype, and SMS.

  • We focus on practicals


  • As time goes on, and we progress and grow we planned to be going to high schools around the country giving them career guidance and picking out those that have potential to be great academician but come from  disadvantaged / less previleged families,  giving them the opportunity to study a course of their choice for free.

  • Also we plan to help disabled people because over the years we have seen computers becoming a very useful and advantageous tool to the disabled, for instance the specialized computers that allows the blind people to input text using Braille keys instead of regular keyboard, people with diseases like cerebral palsy; a condition caused by brain damage, which impairs movement and sometimes limits speech have to help them communicate, they make use of a computer device. Also the keyboard helps those who are born without fingers or even hands to type and communicate, even through the speaker devices that types as one speaks.  With enough funding we can purchase these special computers and really make an impact in the lives of many. 






At KTC, we pride ourselves in assisting the community and making sure there are developments by empowering its people through our WE CARE PROGRAMME.  We believe that our being situated in Hillbrow is not by chance, that’s why we have planned projects so as to eradicate Crime, Poverty and illiteracy rates. The Hunger Strike Initiative is one the programmes we have, the name basically means that we do not only strike against hunger and poverty but, we strike it at its core by the numerous initiatives that we have.  The initiatives includes the following: 

  • Going around gathering the homeless and giving them food and blankets and also motivating them to get off the streets and do better in their lives

  • One of the promises we make and keep just to motivate them more, is that if they completely clean up we will give them free training and then with their certificates they can now confidently go out and apply for jobs. 


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